Cancer 3.0 and the Miracle of Protocel Continues
So…after enjoying a 4 year radical remission, I admit I got totally lax in taking Protocel…which turns out is not a good option for me.  The following story
is a continuation of my Prayer and Protocel Journey.  I call it Cancer 3.0.  It’s a story about a resilient woman who listened to the voice of God and after enduring and conquering yet another recurrence, was still able to spread His good word of this alternative option…May my story reach many to educate, touch and most importantly, give hope to those who are trying to decide which road to choose. It is my prayer that those answers will be found here:

An Avocado Tree, a Recurrence and Hope for Another Miracle  11-11-2016

I used to have a bucket list…which is kind of silly to call it a ‘list’ when it really only had one item on it.  Watch the Avocado Tree I grew from sticking a pit in a pot, grow to fruition. .  This was a lofty goal because it takes 3-5 years for this to happen, and I had just been diagnosed Stage IV metastatic breast cancer and just getting me to the 3-5 year survivor mark should have been the goal.

“Mr. Avocado” as he became to be known as, had the perfect spot to bloom and grow and I would just delight in seeing new growth…a new tier of leaves would start at the top with the leaves below it would flopping over and make room.   So all the while I was melting away cancer with Prayer and Protocel, Mr. Avocado grew to be quite impressive, and was a great conversation piece.  “He” enjoyed the Zen channel during my yoga sessions and I talked to him every day.  3 trees grew total…with some leftover flowers, all living in harmony together.  I moved them across the country and they were my companions who watched over me during the first few months in my new home.   Here’s a picture:

Then sadly, the trees got a mite infestation and I moved them outside.  It was just a travesty to watch them get eaten away daily by these little bastards.  When my friends came to visit, we tried to save them by re-potting them yet again.  Ironically, the bag of dirt we used for the transplant was from the same lot that was used to re-pot him the first time!  The bag of soil was the infested culprit.  Mr. Avocado didn’t survive.  L

It was a sad couple of months without them.   The basil on the windowsill just wasn’t cutting it.  So, I went to the store, this past July, and bought 3 ripe avocados and planted the pits (in clean soil) and here we go again!  I mean, literally:  HERE WE GO AGAIN!!!!!  

Mr and Mrs. Avocado are busting out of the ground, reaching for the sky, and I am sitting here facing another freaking cancer recurrence.  It presented 3 weeks ago with fatigue, a low grade temp and an acute onset of right epigastric pain…the realization of what was happening came just as this new avocado tree began springing to life.  It’s no coincidence.

So, I had a PET/CT scan (on Halloween) and I’m dealing with a few new hot spots and an old one is making a repeat performance…I’ve got a pleural mass on my right lower lobe (lung) and my left hilar node (lung/lymph) is lighting up again.  My Oncologist in Illinois didn’t rush to send my local doctor my scans so the ‘comparison’ is not what it should be. I’m trying so hard not to feel defeated and to hear Gods voice loud and clear. 

God is speaking to me…just like he spoke to James Sheridan in a dream and told him to take that physics class over and over again… (If you don’t understand this soap stripe reference that I just stumbled upon in my bathroom, please google the wonderful works of James Sheridan)

Everyone’s first question to me is: Did you keep up your Protocel regimen?  That around-the-clock-never-skip-a-dose regimen that you used when you beat your cancer four years ago?  The simple answer is no.  I got on with the business (and stresses) of life…enjoying the career of my dreams and truthfully had adopted a much more relaxed attitude and schedule.  Although I continue to be devoted to my devotionals, and live a sugar-free lifestyle, my Protocel dosing was cut back to 2-3 times a day instead of never exceeding six hours between doses, like I was supposed to.

Those who have been with me on this journey know that my only motivation for this blog was and is to share my story of kinder, gentler, non-toxic and inexpensive cancer treatment that has been marvelously effective for me in the past.  I made a promise to God that if Protocel beat my cancer I’d take my story out.  He did and I did.  So now, God is asking that I trust in it again and I am hearing His voice loud and clear:  “We’re doing this again Kat…are you with Me?

If You are with me Lord, who can be against me? 

So now, I embark on my second journey of finding healing from cancer with Prayer + Protocel.  I’m doubling down on the dosage and frequency.  Sippy cup is back at the bedside.  Alarms are set throughout the day.  My most recent scan is posted on this website.  (click here)  I’ve started back up on yoga (get that lymph moving) and my sister has express shipped me a rebounder.  (Thanks Kimmy!)

I have my first appointment with Palliative Care (because I’m not going to let them give me IV Windex or burn holes in me) and so we’ll see how that goes. 

As always, I’m optimistic and prayers are welcomed.  

~ Psalm 128-7:   Though I am surrounded by troubles; You will bring me safely through them.  You will clench Your fist against my angry enemies.  Your power will save me! 


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Chronic Cancer…While Living Life  11-27-2016

So., Palliative Care was not what I expected…at all.  I was expecting an alternative coach who could help me get my papers in order, who could give me counseling so I’m not a hot blubbering mess and (if need be) bridge me to the hospice house way down the road.   Wrong!  Well…expect for the hospice house part.  (good to know) 

Palliative Care just wanted to make sure I have enough pain medication to get me to the hospice house.  I just sat there across from this APN shaking my head.  I’m asking her “How can I function or drive or continue to bring value to my employer in an altered state?”  Also, the pain is my gauge as to when to take Protocel, so how can I listen to my body if I’m using drugs to dull what its saying? 

Apparently, I’m not your typical Palliative Care patient.  

What I am, is a single women trying to remain successful in life, keep my insurance benefits and not wither away from depression and a drug addiction in 3 months.   So, I left the Palliative Care office and went straight to a Naturopathic clinic where I’ll go for yoga sessions twice a week, therapeutic massage and even a sensory deprivation tank!  Now we’re talking!   A far cry from getting chemo twice a week eh?

This is what’s wrong with the conventional system.  They make it almost impossible for one to get ‘treatments’ and support themselves at the same time.  It’s a vicious cycle of chemo and sickness and not being able to work and then how am I going to pay for any of this after I’ve lost my insurance and everything else I own?  

I think it’s a pretty fair statement to say that I have enjoyed an awesome quality of life in the last 4 years of my radical remission.   I think it’s also accurate to say that if I want to go back to being in radical remission…I best start taking Protocel and follow my alternative lifestyle around the clock, not exceeding 5 hours…forever and ever.  This is my lot in life.

Does that sound like a drag?  It kinda sounds like a drag to me too…BUT!  As my dear friend Leah points out…if you are a diabetic, you are not going to stop your diet and/or insulin because you feel like you’ve followed it long enough, or if you have hypertension,  you’re not going to discontinue your blood pressure medication just because you’ve had 120/80 readings for a month straight.

This time, it’s a bit more challenging because the tumors are bigger and there is pain now which I hadn't had before, and it's screaming at me just a little too loud.  I’m completely and utterly aware that something bad is happening.  L  I was lysing like crazy but that too (like the pain) ebbs and flows.  Pain-lysing-no-pain-no-lysing and repeat.  This is how it works so I just have to be encouraged that it is what it is.  A slow methodical way of killing cancer.  I had a hard couple of weeks there where it felt like (and I’m quoting the Cancer Tutor here) I had a raging house fire and was trying to put it out with a squirt gun.  I’m experiencing feelings of despair, apathy, urgency, and then it circles back to God’s healing touch, hopefulness and positive thoughts of the future. 

My Paw-Paw came the other day.  I’m still contemplating taking it…I just keep staring at the bottle.   I had such a bad go of it the last time, so we’ll see. (stay tuned)

So onward with version 3.0…I have a great support network with my daughters, my family, friends and co-workers, all who are extending their hands to me as they walk this journey by my side.

One day at a time…Thank you Jesus for another day.

~Psalm: 42:11  Don’t allow your soul to be discouraged.  Don’t be upset, expect God to act.  For I know that you shall again have plenty of reason to praise Him for all that He will do.  He is your help!  He is your God!


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Again with the Paw Paw  12-4-2016

A few entries/years back, I talked about how folks do really well on Protocel for a short period of time and then stop and abruptly change course.   Now I know why.  I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again now.  I’m not sure if I’ve built up a tolerance or not, but it’s not working like it did in the beginning of this last recurrence.   

Initially, I was lysing like crazy…and definitely to the point of sweating.  I must have either had a lot of toxins in my body that needed to be removed and/or it was killing the cancer.  Now, after just a few weeks, Protocel has stabilized and I’m not lysing.  This would be good news if I didn’t still have pain, but its bad news…because I do.  I need to jump start the Protocel again and the only way to do that is with Paw Paw.

So, Paw Paw it is. 

I’ve been afraid of Paw Paw because…well for starters, this is some pretty potent stuff and secondly, there is some connection to Parkinson's down the road and why trade one disorder for another?  The last thing I need is Parkinson's!   I was also nauseated before and had a lot dizziness.  But, this time, I figure it’s just very short term.  I only want to take enough to really get the last remnants of this cancer out.  The bottle clearly states that only those with cellular abnormalities should take this product on a regular basis. .  As soon as the signs of lysing stop, I will stop the Paw Paw.

11/29 I started this few days ago and was amazed at how quickly I started lysing.  I had intense focal headaches where it feels like the lysing is draining from my brain.  (Dear Lord, please…please, I don’t want to be a brainiac.)  No vertigo or nausea or vomiting this time….just that headache…and lots of lysing in my pee.  I took 1 capsule today 4 times (with food and around my Protocel dosing) and I think I can tolerate it okay.  I’m going to try taking it at work too since it doesn’t appear I’ll have any ill effects.

(12-4) I’m thrilled I’m lysing again on the Paw Paw!  It seems to help me keep therapeutic levels of voltage lowering.  And the Protocel got a jump start again.  The pain is very manageable now at a chronic dull 1-2 which is so much better than the 4.  There is no headache anymore….The discomfort seems to be all along my diaphragm.  A combination of hunger pains and burning.  Sometimes it’s positional, like how I sit.  Moving around certainly seems to help, and I think my energy level is good too.   I don't take any pain pills at all.  Just Protocel and Paw Paw around the clock. 

I’m certainly encouraged that Prayer + Protocel + Paw Paw is working (again) to beatingcancerwithoutbreakingasweat again.  YaY

Oh, and here’s a picture of Mr. and Mrs. Avocado!  Stay Tuned and please check in on Sundays….I’m going to start spreading God’s word again on God’s day!

~Romans 15:13  May the GOD OF HOPE fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him that you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit


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Cycling Through It  12-11-2016

Lyse on-lyse off-lyse on-lyse off.  This just goes on and on and on.  When I don’t lyse, I panic and when I do…I’m ecstatic.  It’s a continuous merry-go round that I not only recall this happening in the past…but that I actually blogged about this very thing almost 4 years ago! 

So why am I so spooked?  I’ve done this before…and it rendered me cancer free before…The awareness of the ebbing and flowing of the cancer melting away is so familiar.  I’ve telling ya…I’ve felt this before!  So why am I so surprised with the cycle of it all?  Seriously, it’s only been 5 weeks!  My goodness!  I’ve come a long way from October baby.  The pain has diminished from starting at a 7 and then it dipped down to a 3-4.  Last week it was just teetering around a 1-2.  Today…I’m only feeling a twingy “I can tell you’re still in there dammit!” sensation.

Being labeled “Stage IV” going into this recurrence gave me a very strong voice in my treatment plan.  I immediately chose not see an oncologist or undergo anymore biopsies or testing other than the initial PET scan to know what it was I was dealing with.  I then turned my focus to listening to my body and working the Prayer + Protocel Protocol.  Can you imagine…had I let them have at me, who knows what I would be saying today, if I would be saying anything at all!   I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t even care if their treatment was killing the cancer or not, because my quality of life would be so sub-optimal that it truly wouldn’t matter.   Kill me now.  

Instead, I am living my life.  I’m in a wonderful place, with family nearby, a career I love with a supportive company.   I’m grateful for time to process, regenerate and still be productive.  And it’s working.  The last time it took me 8 months to be completely cancer free, but this time it seems to be going much faster.   Maybe the good news with Protocel is that if/when there is ever a recurrence, the body is just that much more in tune to how this operates and more efficient at beating cancer without breaking sweat!

For now, I’m going to go with that as I prepare my home and my heart for the birth of Jesus Christ.  My Sister is coming next week for my birthday and I’m pretty excited about sister time!   The spirit of Christmas is such a joyful time and I am just happy to be going along, singing a song and taking it all in!  J  Until next time.

~Romans 12:12 Don’t forget to base your happiness on your hope in Christ.  When trials come, endure them patiently; steadfastly maintain the habit of prayer.


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The New Normal  01-25-2017

Well, today marks my 7th anniversary of having my boobs chopped off.   Seriously…I can’t believe it’s been 7 years since this nightmare began.  Actually, it took two months from diagnosis of Stage II to finally get to the table so who knows how long I’ve really been a ‘survivor’.  A long time I would venture to say.   I continue to stand in my conviction that if Protocel is started immediately, the chance for mutilation/poison/whatever is greatly decreased.

Unfortunately, I am back to living my life in 3 month increments after a wonderful 4 year hiatus of being in radical remission.  I don’t think the cancer ever really went away completely…or if it did, my proclivity to the disease is just very strong.  I’m readying up for another PET scan in February, and the good news is; I’ll have a comparison study from this corner of the world and I can figure out which direction this is going.  

It’s interesting this health care world in the west…I don’t even need a referral here…I just have to call the nuclear medicine center myself and set it up, but I would rather have a physician send me in.  Turns out, I’m covered under that ‘breast cancer for life’ umbrella policy.  Whoohoo.  I mean, it is a silver lining to only have to cough up the co-pays.  (I’m sure they out-gambled on me a long time ago when I was supposed to be dead in December of 2013…but who cares right?)

It’s has been a rough few weeks…I’m not going to lie.  It hurts sometimes and I’m pretty certain it’s growing in there.   I feel like God is taking me to the brink this time so that I can again come out victorious with Prayer and Protocel.  It might even be part of the plan, to make the cancer spread and be even more believable when it again melts away like it did before.  I’ve kicked around maybe trying some different treatment options….apricot seeds, infrared therapies, insulin potentiated therapy and even traveling to Baja California (read: dangerous territory) to squander away a lot of money for some other alternative plan.  In the end, when I listen closely He is directing me to continue with Prayer and Protocel…and if that doesn’t get me out of this again, then I will gladly be called Home and enjoy the fruits of eternal life.  As much as I want that, (and I do!), I also know I have a job here on earth to fulfill.  And I intend to do just that.

Oh, and on that 7 year foob-job thing?  It really is the new normal.  I look good in clothes, maybe not so good naked…but that what lights are for! J And here’s a shout out to my 3 other Team January Sisters scattered across the nation, who underwent the same procedure I did on this very day (Jan 25) in 2010.  May you all continue to have years and years of survivorship!  God Bless! 

~Psalm 34:19  The good people do not escape all troubles…they have them too.  But I, the Lord, will help you in each and every one. 


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{I didn’t blog much after this.  I found myself depressed and quite frankly, didn’t really care much if Protocel worked or not.  The 3 month gap is not significant…I simply did not write during this time.}   Oh, and PS?  Mr and Mrs. Avocado died a long time ago.  I no longer try and grow avocado trees.  I’ve got a new plant now…stay tuned J


The Rebound Effect: 4-13-2017

I’ve been re-reading Outsmart Your Cancer by Tanya Harter Pierce, and I came upon a section entitled: Don’t give your cancer a bowl of soup. Essentially, what she was saying, was every time you go over your between dosage limit (no more than 6 hours) your Protocel levels cannot stay therapeutic and ergo, you are feeding your cancer.

I’m going to take this a step further and say not only is extending beyond 6 hours not advisable in killing your cancer, I believe, in my case, my cancer became bigger and harder to control. Almost like a rebound effect. Or like when you suddenly go off Prednisone without tapering off…you get an exacerbation of the disorder you started the Prednisone for. You’ve all heard of MRSA…well, now what if there’s PRCA? (Protocel resistant cancer) My friend Leah called me the other night and we laughed and laughed at this ‘joke’ but seriously… (Yikes?)

Every day, since the recurrence onset, I would power dose like crazy each morning until I hit the floor running at work. I believed I was protected in the event a meeting would run late or I wouldn’t get to my Protocel exactly when I wanted to. Maybe I had a false sense of security that I could keep everything running fine. Or maybe just removing the stress is the answer…but how is that supposed to work? Everybody has stress.

The worst part is this living in limbo…and that in of itself is so debilitating I can’t even tell you. What am I supposed to do? Live with moderate to severe cancer? That is unacceptable. At the risk of sounding like a pharmaceutical commercial as cut-out characters run and skip through a meadow: “Protocel is used to treat moderate to severe forms of cancer and should not be used if you are undergoing chemo or are pregnant or plan on becoming pregnant soon.”

How do you plan your life? How do you work when you’re distracted by the pain? How do you even contemplate starting a new relationship when what really is the point? It’s not even fair to a rescue dog! (Now that’s pretty bad!)

So, I got re-inspired (it is Holy Week after all) and those are certainly not questions that you ask when fear is no longer a part of your life. Putting God in control…it’s a lifestyle! I got a pep talk from my long distance Naturopath and am forging a positive relationship with a local Naturopath to work on this together. She’s interested in me and my progress and I like her. I’ve got a good support network and it’s all going to work out the way it’s supposed to work out. 
Easter Blessings Everyone!

~ John 3:16 16 For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.


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What Will Your Legacy Be? 5-22-2017

I started this blog as a Promise to God in March 2012 where I stated: “It allows my testimony to be available to anyone who chooses to read it and honors my own personal commitment to God to share my story. I am blessed to have lived this miracle and I believe miracles deserve to be shared.”

I love that despite an ongoing recurrence, people are still drawn to this story…and they should be! And not to see it end badly either…I believe I have many more supporters as well as those seeking hope than folks who do not wish me well. But, I will say I’m just one little person out there; in the same boat…in a sea of options, riddled with new and upcoming alternative methods to try constantly. I get it! But I just have to pick one... I'm sticking with Protocel. It worked before and it will work again. I’m still dealing with some **it* but my quality of life is great and I’m happy and hopeful and at this point, I have no intention of switching treatments.

I’m so thankful for all of the Protocel success stories out there and at the same time, I'm saddened by those who either couldn’t take the risk, were too late, or even those who did take the risk on-time and it still didn’t work…don’t forget about those. (And they’re out there.) I remember an episode on Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, when they were giving a primitive blood transfusion…they had one guy (the donor) on a cot higher than the almost-dead guy (the receiver) on the bottom and their antecubitals were connected with a red rubber tube. Dr. Quinn, when asked if this will work, her response was: “Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t…we just don’t know why”. That seemed to satisfy the town folk and they went ahead with it, and on that particular episode it worked! Well, of course we know now, that blood types and rhesus factors hadn’t been discovered yet. They had no idea it was all about type crossing and matching. Everybody bled red so why shouldn’t it work? Maybe there are those out there that simply will not respond to Protocel and we just don’t why. Perhaps it has something to do with their blood type or something completely utterly different that hasn’t even been discovered yet. I don't know the answer to that and I continually pray there will be a way to find this out.

I have well surpassed the ‘survivor’ definition…not just with initial Breast Cancer 1.0 but with the real Prayer and Protocel journey which kicked off BC 2.0 and now continues with 3.0. I’m hanging in there 7 plus years now. I also don't think it's any accident that God has decided to show this to me (and you!) 3 times! (THREE) times! That's a lot of times. I'm feeling pretty certain that I'm not going to have to keep doing this. I have faith that the root cause is being determined thereby never having to deal with a recurrence again.

Protocel may not be as fast as one would like (even if there is 100% compliance) but from the success stories reported, those who get a cancer diagnosis EARLY on in the disease process, and who have weeks to play with, before ports are put in, body parts are taken off and other various tumor shrinkage tactics are used. Utilize those weeks wisely. Find out if this route is the right route for the circumstances. I knew in a few weeks' time that it was working. I also remember there was a very strong pull in this direction to give it up to God to heal me. I can’t even describe it. I just knew it would work. Attitudinal. This my sister’s word and I like it. Believe, be positive and have faith. The science side that it's working? You should definitely be having signs of lysing and keeping a lysing journal as lysing is cyclical and critical to success.

How awesome would that be if this vessel, this story of a Prayer and Protocel journey is what God has intended for my legacy? Beating Cancer Without Breaking a Sweat! Even though actual sweating did (and does) occur on a regular basis, I still wouldn't change a thing. It continues to imply that it's super easy to kill cancer using Protocel…and Sweating is optional! https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/f4c/1/16/1f642.png:)

God Directs every detail of our lives so now listen while HE does the talking (and the doing) in regards to this kinder, gentler, less expensive and non-toxic way of killing cancer.

*“What will your legacy be?” “Act Kindly. Love Mercy. Walk Humbly” Thank you Barbara Davis Hines, Guest Speaker DMUMC for posing this question to us.

~ Isaiah 43:5 Do not be afraid, for I am with you.


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Drug Holiday 7-23-2017

In healthcare, this is a real, honest-to-goodness practiced therapy…one takes a break from any current treatment plan (especially in cases where tolerance seems to have been built up) with the hopes of jump starting the body into responding to it like it did the first time. The amount of time varies but typically a month or two to be off the regime. Such has been the case for me. I did not feel as though Protocel was helping at all…as a matter of fact, I felt suspiciously like it was exacerbating things.

So I got to thinking…this is ridiculous and decided to mix things up a bit…I stopped taking Protocel at the end of May and instead relied solely on prayer, a sugar free lifestyle and the CBD part of the Cannabis plant. (I am not speaking of THC, which is the component of cannabis that gets you high. THC has been linked to estrogen and I have estrogen fueled cancer so a higher ratio of CBD is required for me.) CBD gives you all the benefits of cannabis without the buzz. There is a lot of study on medical marijuana’s effect on cancer, and maybe my next blog will be more about it, but for now… just know that while on the CBD oil, my tumors have not grown (although they haven’t exactly shrunk either) they have not grown. They are stagnant.

In the last six months I’ve had the following diagnostics: PETS/MRI/XRAYS/SONOGRAM with each finding consistent with a lesion (which I refer to as my marble) that is in the Para-spinal space (read: in the muscle not the bone) next to the vertebrae. This is a ‘measurable’ lump but only visual for me in the mirror (and through my clothes) since I can’t reach it. It's located at T5 which is mid back/bra line. When I sit in a chair, or the couch or anything with a back, and put weight and pressure at the area…I get numbness and tingling to my hands and arms. When the doctor pushes on it directly, it sends a shock down my right leg to my foot. I can’t wear a cross body purse because the strap hits exactly where the marble is and I had to cut a walk way short because my foot was completely asleep. To say it’s quite terrifying would be an understatement. The other one that won’t go away is the glob in my right lower chest pleural space and pleural pain is a bitch, and it makes me nauseated in the morning so I infuse ginger oil and that helps a lot! The hilar node revisited seems to have taken a hiatus so praise God for one less to deal with.

The good news is (and yes, you can always find the good!) my drug holiday is over and I’m back to the beginning of my journey… starting the same way I did in 2012 with Protocel 23. This was the original formula developed by the late James Sheridan based on a dream he had from God. He named it: Entelev: ”That part of Man known only to God.” Years later, his friend and colleague, Ed Sopcak, refined this formula and developed Protocel 50 and named it Cancel. (Which is sort of self-explanatory) Both are equally effective, but there is anecdotal evidence that certain cancers respond better to one formula or the other. I remember switching to Protocel 50 years ago because a glioblastoma survivor of 25+ years advocated for persons with metastatic disease to use that formula. There are guidelines in Outsmart Your Cancer by Tanya Harter Pierce about which formula is recommended for each cancer and 23 is best for breast. It’s true that 4 years ago, Protocel 50 did push me over the finish line from metastasis to No Evidence of Disease, but it was Protocel 23 that started me on the path to healing… and now again, I'm already seeing signs again that its working!#readthisjohnmccain

So, gentle readers, beating cancer without breaking a sweat is back on…although I suspect lots of sweating this time. If you go back through my blogs you’ll find, that for the most part, lysing is an uneventful process when you have a little bit of cancer. If your cancer progresses to larger proportions, Protocel is slow to work and causes a lot of congestion, swelling and ‘ice cube puddling’ of the tumors during their methodical cell death and flushing of debris out through the lymph system. I’m finding this past week that lysing is very heavy and uncomfortable (Push fluids Kat!) but I continue to stand firm in my resolve, that conventional medicine would give me a much less desirable quality of life and would most likely kill me sooner anyway. If I am not going to live, I refuse to be mostly dead during this time. And, while I was in the Midwest meeting my first beautiful grandchild, I attended a Sunday service whose message was about David and Goliath. I love this story…God saved David multiple times, why on earth would David ever doubt that his battle with a giant would turn out any way other than victorious?

(Stay tuned for acupuncture….I’ve got an appointment on Monday to open up those energy channels!)

~1 Samuel 17: 37 The LORD who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine.”

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Power Ball Winner? 8-10-2017

That’s what my new Oncologist told me at my first appointment…and yes, I did say Oncologist. So now, I’m swinging from both sides of the fences, but it’s not that far of a throw. It’s actually a great situation because this is what it finally took for the Midwest Cancer Center to submit my records across the country and that is HUGE! I don’t know why she held out on my new GP when the cancer first woke up again last fall…maybe it’s some sort of unspoken professional courtesy thing that Oncologists will only speak to other Oncologists, but in any event my new guy has all of my pathology and histology reports. The beauty of it is, there’s no reason to perceive that the ‘marble’ on my mid back and the other palpable lumps in my chest wall are anything different than the original ER+ PR+ HER2Neg cancer from 2009. (At least I’m not fighting something that my body is not familiar with and that is a good thing)

“You have quite an interesting story here young lady” said my new Thirty-Something Healthcare Professional. Indeed I do! https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/fcd/1/16/1f643.png🙃 He was able to pull up my blog right then and there on his computer, but he stated he had the wrong spelling initially and couldn’t find anything. I suppose that’s true…I just did a google search on ‘protocol’ with an “o” and I didn’t pop up until page 4, so I suspect that a busy Oncologist isn’t going to try that hard. Hopefully, he will find it to be an interesting read in the days and weeks ahead and continue to have an open mind. He’s quite likable and the whole office gives off a good vibe.

When he asked me “Do you know anyone who has ever won the power ball? Because you have”… I told him, I don’t attribute anything to the luck of a random lottery ticket but rather gave all the glory to God. I told him that my blog gets thousands of visitors a month and has brought success to many. I might have even said “I’m not trying to put you out of business or anything…but really I am” lol (I brought along my sister and she later confirmed that I did indeed say that…Kat, where’s the filter?)

So, here is the new plan: We start with another PET scan next week to get a baseline report of my disease progression and then it’s off to burn the marble in 5 easy sessions. I will be referred to a radiology oncologist for palliative radiation. Seriously? Palliative? He immediately saw my face fall and said. “Look, you know stage IV is incurable…we have to say palliative, it’s only a word” It’s interesting that at Stage III we say ‘therapeutic treatment’ but that same cancer travels just one dermatome over and is now considered incurable? (Whatever) I’m going to agree to these ‘therapeutic treatments’ in the hopes that it will break up/shrink the marble and allow Prayer and Protocel to see me through to another radical remission. There’s also some talk about Femera (estrogen blocker) but I’m not completely on board with that yet. I need to do more research.

I will be continuing with my awesome Naturopath and acupuncture! I love acupuncture! I highly recommend it. I was going weekly and now every 2 weeks. I feel very blissful and my acupuncturist doubles as a shrink! He brings all sorts of thoughts and emotions just bubbling up to the surface. This opening up of the channels is for real people!

It was during acupuncture, that I realized that when I learned that cancer 3.0 had resurfaced last November, I was feeling so defeated and depressed and nothing could pull me out of the funk. I was done with the fighting and was prepared for the cancer to kill me while I sat by and watched it happen. Maybe some of you could read between the lines in my earlier blogs that I was giving up or maybe not. I guess if you’ve been with me long enough you could see it. Despite how I was feeling though, I never wanted to be completely discouraging to the masses out there who are counting on this because I firmly believe that positive results from Prayer and Protocel are easily attainable if you start early and stay with it.

But now God has a different plan for me, and it comes in the way of an 8lb 14 oz. bundle of grandbabygoodness and other amazing life events that are giving me hope and excitement for Prayer and Protocel to again be the answer. So it’s back to living with my awesome quality of life I’m used to getting with this alternative treatment. The tumors bark at me when it’s time to dose so that is my new alarm system. It’s kind of exciting when I feel ‘woof woof’, and I take my Protocel and the monster is soothed. This happens every 3-4 hours. I’m going through 8 oz. of Protocel 23 in about 2.5 weeks. My stress level is in a good and happy place and our new church pastor has experience with faith healers and advocates to the alternative road less traveled!

So here’s to the spiritual, alternative and conventional merging of the minds. May we all find peace and healing… but most importantly, a cure for this horrible deadly disease.

~1 Samuel 3:8 So the LORD called Samuel again for the third time. And he arose and went to Eli and said, "Here I am, for you called me." Then Eli discerned that the LORD was calling the boy.

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No Scanxiety 8-27-2017

I’m in the process of getting you all an update of my PET scan results (from 8/17) and my last Oncology visit (8/21-total eclipse day!) to discuss my disease progression. (Spoiler alert…shooter marble is big and bright, with an SUV of 23.2 prior was 4.2 in Feb and 3.3 last Nov) but I just haven’t gotten around to uploading the written or film report (or how to screen shot some of these CD images). I'll try and do that this week...I feel good and positive and I am not defeated and I will continue to be extremely optimistic that healing is happening again!

I want to share with all of you that since July 1…the moment I began faithfully back on Prayer and Protocel, NEVER exceeding 4 hours between doses (even in the middle of the night), adding Paw Paw 1 capsule three times a day, eating right, no stress, yoga, no Vitamin C, rebounding and spending a lot of alone-time with God, that there is some definite cancer killing going on! (BOOM!)

As a matter of fact, I would venture to say that not only is my mid-level-back marble smaller and flatter, but I think it's possible that that the high SUV number is indicative of cancer cell death. Sometimes when tumors are attacked, their SUV numbers are higher and appear brighter…just before they fizzle out. I’m responding so well to Protocel 23 that my symptoms are less and less and I’m feeling more and more like myself every day.

A few weeks ago, I was vomiting every 3rd day or so...pleural-chest wall/lung lesions are famous for causing nausea/vomiting especially as they grow and push on nerves...Lets think about this for a minute...Protocel 'melts' the cancer so it puddles and is somewhat bigger as the tumor thins out and becomes lysed debris before it exits through the lymph..so it stands to reason... that my nausea would increase during this process. I have not been nauseated or vomited in over a week now and I'm down to just one nap a day. So YaY!) We are on the right track again!

I’m not saying 'No' to radiation, I’m saying 'Not Yet'. (But really... I'm saying 'No' https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/f57/1/16/1f609.png;) I know the last time I talked about it, and I was going to do it, but God has a different message for me...and for you. He really wants Prayer and Protocel to kick cancer’s ass (again) without the addition of anything conventional...except for these diagnostics. It’s the only way Protocel is going to continue to have any credibility (at all) as a viable option in curing cancer. He knows best and I will follow Him.

I wish (for the reader population) that I had someone who could come over every week and measure this marble for me. It is just so exciting to watch and feel this 4cm round hunk of cancer (along with 8 other of his little nodule friends) continue to be obliterated by Prayer and Protocel. Maybe I'll have my Naturopath do it when I go in for acupuncture. (That's actually a good idea Kat!) I'm so confident and that my next scan will PROVE it’s either completely gone or well on its way out and that any crude dimensions/measurements I might be able to get, aren't even necessary. I certainly don't need the proof, but I get it...documentation is a great thing!

Thank you for your prayers, your continued encouragement and your patience! I can promise there will be a whole lot more blogging going on in the near future as I spread His Good Word! Keep the faith and have a great rest of your Sunday! Today’s Bible Scripture is from this morning's church’s sermon series: (It was an awesome sermon, Thank you PA)

~Matthew 15: 28 Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.

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PetScan Results: 8-30-2017

Here is my Aug 17th PET/CT scan report with an addendum (we were waiting for my original images to be uploaded in the system). Anyway, when my new Onc and I were face to face reviewing, I just had that horrible sinking feeling that I have not found a doctor who wants to be a part of this. Maybe even the opposite... I think we may even being dealing with another case of "I just don't think you’re a good fit for our clinic' https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/fcb/1/16/1f641.png:( Why?

He greeted me with ‘Well, this is a pretty good scan’ Really Doc? I’ve seen a pretty good scan and it reads something like: “No metabolic uptake ANYWHERE!' The scan your showing me today is reading like an Old MacDonald's Farm: 'A hot nodule here and a hot lesion there...Here it's bigger, there it's brighter, and everywhere it's metastatic." To me, this is not a ‘pretty good scan’.

Sadly, I fear this may be another Oncologist who just doesn’t want blood on his hands. And by blood, I mean from the death of a cash cow. Cancer is a big money maker folks...and he has seen on my Midwest scans where non-toxic Protocel worked before and it should be able to take on my marble and other lesions without too much time or trouble. This scares the chemo industry and rightly so.

Or, maybe I’m being too hard on him...maybe he’s just trying to make me feel better...respecting my choices....I guess I can go with that. (I want to!) But I can't help but wonder if this was his wife’s scan, or his mother’s scan or even his daughter’s scan if he would placate them too…I suppose it’s all relative. (no pun intended! lol) If his wife was on Protocel, then YES! It would be a pretty good scan (albeit concerning) and, he would have the confidence to give Prayer and Protocel the chance it deserves to knock this out of the park...just as I do at this moment! (Thank you Jesus!)

So, the written report is self-explanatory and I did my best at a couple of screen shots of the cd. It’s difficult because I’m not a radiologist. I have no idea how they come to the conclusions they come to. I can see the marble though so that’s why I thought I’d pick these. The first one is looking down on my spinal column and the other is a good one of the marble and some other spots.



~Romans 8:28 We know, that all things work together for good, to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.


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Random post:  So I got a call earlier from my Radiologist Oncologist wanting to schedule my 'palliative' burning of the marble. I let her down gently, and said that I've changed my mind and was responding very well to my alternative treatment of Prayer and Protocel and was not going to proceed with a conventional plan. She was genuinely interested and even asked more about Protocel and how it works. I glanced at the clock and couldn't believe it was 11:11 and at that moment, my 60 second elevator speech poured out of me like it has never done before! I may even have a new blog follower....One at a time, on God's time because God is good...all the time!


Timing is Everything 9-17-2017

I am enduring a pretty easy ride with cancer 3.0. Prayer and Protocel have decreased my mid-spine marble, down from what was almost golf-ball sized to a flattening and shrinking shape that now resembles more of a Lima bean. It is way less painful than it was a month ago and I have zero side effects. (no more numbness or tingling) Occasionally, as I have blogged in the past, as soon as I take a dose of Protocel, I will have unpleasant sensations to the tumor areas. These sensations are getting less intense, and they do not happen with every dose of Protocel…plus, they are much easier to emotionally deal with as I’m engaging in life. (less wincing) Never take being pain-free for granted: lesson #111. Sometimes there is discomfort from these areas which catches me by surprise…mostly because I’m feeling and looking so well that I’m confused about where it's coming from. Phantom cancer pains perhaps? Or maybe it’s just a reminder of lesson #111! My next oncology appointment is mid-October so I’m sure he’ll be evaluating and palpating whatever is left of the nodules and see for himself. I will tell you this…he won’t be able to deny that my stamina, energy levels and healthy glow are anything other than Prayer and Protocel working in my favor!

I guess what I’m still learning about this whole journey is that people who know me, people who love me, people who are complete strangers who follow my blog…people who have watched me go ‘from stage IV to stage no more’ enjoying radical remission for 4 years….will still resist Protocel as an option for their own cancer diagnosis. Is it because of my recent recurrence? I’m on a different assignment here folks so don’t let that spook ya…and plus, even before my recurrence there was still doubt about Protocel's value, so I don’t think that’s it. A typical Sunday Service has at least 5 prayer requests for someone undergoing chemo or radiation...The word is just not getting out there.

I don’t sell Protocel and that has always been the case. My testimony, my credibility would be worthless if I did. I pay full price for my Protocel and I don’t make any profit off of yours. This is not some MLM scheme or a gimmick. It’s just me, Kat…honoring my commitment to God to share His miracle with the world. It’s James Sheridan, who created the original formula from the direction he received in a dream from God…and it’s the many other true stories of Protocel healing out there that are just a google away.

So here is BCWBAS’s ministry message for today: Timing really is everything...so why not just try Protocel as soon as you get your cancer diagnosis? What’s your biggest fear of what might happen? The cancer disappears by the time your surgery date is set to cut off whatever body part is scheduled to be removed; and low and behold the MRI asks where the hell did all the cancer go? Is that what you’re really afraid of?? (I get it, remember?) Well, first off, unless it’s a stage 0 that’s not likely to happen and even if that is the case, it could take a little longer. It’s fast, but it’s not that fast. Plus…your tumor (if you had a biopsy) is in the data base now. That’s not going to change just because you’re putting your faith (even as small as a mustard seed) into Prayer and Protocel. And in the event that they do say: “Go home…you just cured your cancer!” How awesome would that be? This is the best case scenario I’m thinking…well that and being able to walk away from the table unscathed saying: ‘Not yet’. I'm telling ya, the worst thing that has happened to me this last round is that my pee smells a little funny and I’m lysing all the time. It’s all part of the cancer killing process…and It’s a great feeling knowing that its working! (And yes, that is the worst part!)

With Prayer and Protocel, no one has to even know I have cancer! It almost feels like it's an indulgence with all the pampering and the yoga and the acupuncture and the massages and the social events. Maybe this is the problem? Society has us believing that we need be ‘fighters’ and ‘warriors’ to go into battle with cancer…when actually, it has less to do with fighting and more to do with loving and letting in the light of God’s Love. “First do no harm.” You don’t need to kill yourself while you’re killing cancer because with this gentle healing treatment plan…Slow and steady really does win the race!

~Romans 13:10: Love does no wrong to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the Law.


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The Price of a Protocel Lifestyle. 10-1-2017

Most folks don’t sit around the dinner table and ask each other: “How much do you think cancer is going to cost us this month?” Sadly, once you’re diagnosed, that’s about all you can think about. Choosing an alternative treatment option over conventional therapy can be very cost effective…however you should heed this warning: Not all natural cancer plans are created equal! The only thing equal about them is that insurance or Medicare refuses to pay and there ends all that similarity. Much like conventional medicine, some alternative treatments charge over the top amounts because they can…they also know its human nature to throw as much money as possible at a medical problem to fix it. All which may end up costing you your savings, your family’s future and/or your life. So how can you get through this mine field without completely depleting your resources?

Living this program is not necessarily dirt cheap but it’s not over the top extravagant either. The beauty of it is you can tailor it to your personal financial situation. If all you can afford is Protocel, then you can make this work because the price of Protocel is the price of Protocel. I do add some complimentary treatments for my own personal preferences (see below) but remember; these should only be considered 'enhancing therapies' and not an absolute necessity for beating cancer without breaking a sweat. So, in all actuality, you could get by on Protocel and a Prayer for around 125.00/month but I think you’ll agree, it is still way cheaper than Windex!

Here is a list of my ala carte monthly expenses:

• Prayer: Free/Tithing (that amount is up to you) 
• Protocel 23 8oz – (116.90 plus tax/shipping) or Protocel 50 8oz (141.90 plus tax and shipping) Formula 23’s dosing is every 5 hours which makes this is a one month’s supply but Formula 50 is every 6 hours or a 1.5 month supply. Therefore, the cost of either formula is almost a wash. Remember to consult the Naturopaths at Vitamin Depot or WebND as to which formula is best for your cancer. There is anecdotal evidence over the past 50 years that certain cancers respond better to one formula or another. They will have a complete list for you on this subject. 
• Paw Paw: 49.00/month
• Yoga/meditation class: Free or up to 10.00 per class 
• Essential Oils: 25.00/month
• Charlotte’s Web CBD hemp oil: 149.00/month (available without a medical card)
• Medical CBD: 60.00-200.00 (medical card extra:300.00 annually)
• Acupuncture: 55.00-85.00 per session (2xmonth)
• Massage: 30.00-95.00 per session (2xmonth)
• Food: Decrease in monthly grocery bills! Don’t add energy drinks, vitamins, pop or candy to your cart. 
• Brisk Walk: Free https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/f4c/1/16/1f642.png:) 
• Sunshine: Free! https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/f4c/1/16/1f642.png:) 
• Grandbaby Fix: Plane Ticket Quarterly

You can cherry pick what works for you and watch how much you’ll save from not reconciling EOB’s with actual services rendered. Plus, let’s not forget the very real PTSD that results from surgery of body part removals and other conventional cures and I’m thinking big picture here…Prayer and Protocel is also much gentler and less toxic to your wallet too! https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/f4c/1/16/1f642.png:)

Here are some other penny pinching tips:

You can save a few dollars by getting the 16oz size bottle of Protocel instead of the 8 oz standard. If you live outside the USA, talk to the distributors because they will work with you…there can be some high shipping fees, so you want to find out what your up-front costs will be. Point to consider: Opened Protocel is not returnable so if you’re afraid…or you only want to try it out for a month or even if it’s your loved one’s 11th hour and there may be some left over…it may make more sense to get the 8oz bottle to start with.

There is nothing wrong with downward facing dog in your living room, but I will say…being in a class environment is much more conducive to my discipline and there is socialization at the same time…so yoga class is best if you can swing that. Having a mini trampoline for gentle rebounding is also helpful as you lyse your way to being cancer free. A brisk walk (if you’re up for it) will also work well and not cost a dime.

Eating right should not be difficult, nor does it have to be expensive. I’ve got some really good fall and winter recipes going on my website under the lifestyle tab. You may even see a decrease in your grocery bills! Just say no to excess Vitamin C and never consume Vitamin water (smart water) or over the counter Vitamin C tablets, supplements or anything with additional vitamins or minerals. No more One-A-Day! Throw those away! (lol) I eat a lot of cheeses, whole wheat, olives, salads, nuts and animal protein. “Eat like your grandparents ate” is what the founders of Protocel have said for ages about the Protocel diet. Think about the Walton’s big long farm table with vegetables, dairy and good carbs circling around a platter of turkey. That’s the idea.

Try and give up sugar daily if you can. I will add though, that giving up sugar is NOT mandatory for Prayer and Protocel to work. A lot of people get scared away from this regimen because they think they need to be sugar free. I believe this certainly helps, but I don’t believe it was ever on the original James Sheridan ‘Do Not Take List’ It’s becoming a known fact that sugar does feed cancer…but it also doesn’t interfere with the intended Protocel properties like Vitamin C does. (Vitamin C increases cell voltage when Protocel is trying to decrease it)

So if you’re trying to decide if your monthly budget can handle an alternative cancer lifestyle, I would ask you this: How much of a hit is your budget going to take regardless of which direction you decide to pursue? Prayer and Protocel can make it less of a hardship. It’s so much more pleasant to be able to beat cancer without a lot of outward physical signs, excess financial strain and a higher sense of purpose at the end of the day. So that being said, I subscribe to the ‘Pay God First’ philosophy and when I do that, I accept His Blessings by the bushels and I trust that the Manna will come…It always does and it always will. Call it faith or call it hope, but God is definitely rewarding me for sharing my encouragement to others. It’s all part of His plan! (So enjoy!)

~Mark 5:19 But Jesus said, “No, go home to your family and tell them everything the Lord has done for you and how merciful he has been.”


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Circle The Dragon 10-8-2017

Is a style of Kohu acupuncture where the needles surround the trouble spot…in my case, the T6 tumor marble which has migrated more west but continues to shrink.  The Naturopath could hardly find what was left of said-marble on Friday, but when he was able to palpate it, I could only feel him pressing on it…not pain necessarily…pressure mostly…and perhaps a notification from my alert system that something bad is still in there.  He then proceeded to perform this technique of inserting acupuncture needles circular to the marble in about a 2” diameter but never directly inside the tumor for risk of re-seeding.  I was going to have him take a picture of it but then I thought better of it…I’m supposed to be concentrating on getting well; not making light of an ancient healing practice by taking photos for my blog…So I didn’t go there.  I guess if you’re super curious, you can google it to see what it’s all about.  I will say I feel very blessed to have an acupuncturist who is so diverse with techniques. 

Despite his skillful hand, I cannot deny that the damn marble throbbed throughout the entire acupuncture procedure…from beginning to end.  (Oh No!) From the moments the needles went in, to the time spent in clearing my mind and opening my energy channels, all I could hear was the sad-sad song of ‘throb, throb, throb’ and ‘ache, ache, ache’. L  (dammit!)

The next day (Saturday) I spent the morning at a church meeting, seated in a folding chair with my mid back rubbing exactly on point with the disappearing (yet still throbbing) marble.  I realize 4 hours is a long time for anyone to sit in one of those chairs so I didn’t think too much of it.  However, it was a half a day later and the throbbing and aching still hadn’t stopped…and that’s when I realized I needed to take control of my thoughts and look at this in a different and more productive way.  As a seasoned nurse, I know that even the worst wounds need to be debrided (get that dead shit out) before they can heal.  I think the constant attention of the last 24 hours: poking, prodding, rubbing and dragon slaying was only helping to break up the solid tumor and get me to lyse it out of my system altogether.  I remember a long time ago (4 years to be exact) I had a hot stone massage and a similar thing happened… I’m going to go with that.  Tumors be gone!

This morning, (God’s Day) I woke up pain free…got out my little step stool and hopped up on the bathroom counter to evaluate the size of yesterday’s marble.  I can always get a closer look at my posterior reflection with the medicine cabinet door propped open half way at this angle (Oh what a sight to see!)  This morning, despite the perfect view…I could hardly find a lump anywhere!  I hunched over, I stretched from side to side, I leaned back and still I could find nothing. So I reached my left hand over my left should and there it was…a very tiny pea.  A mere semblance of what it once was…and no more throbbing.   God is sooooo Good!

This is all happening so very fast!  In just two short weeks, I’ll have my 3rd Oncology appointment and I can’t help but wonder what his strategy will be. He’s not going to be able to feel or see any more cancer going on and he’s not going to be able to PET scan me again because it’s way too soon.  I mean, I’m all about taking one for the team but come on…. that much radium in less than 3 months?...Seems like a bit much.  I would agree to a digital chest x-ray because whatever is left of this Princesses’ pea should show up on that, as would any other nodules hanging around on the chest wall, but those little bad boys are all but dwindling down to a distant memory as well.  

So for an October prediction (and prayer): My new Cancer Specialist is going to tell me I’m well on my way to another radical remission and how on earth did I do it? ;)  We’ll banter back and forth about how his people will be in touch with my people to set up more labs and diagnostics and then he’ll shoo me out the back way so I won’t go by the chemo lounge…but that’s when the prayer comes in:  I’ll take his hand as I leave and I’ll say: “I hope that our encounter gives you the confidence to introduce Protocel to just one of you patients or to just one of your colleagues as a viable FIRST option in the killing of cancer.”  He’ll probably just smile and go back to his day…but he’ll be thinking about it and that’s all we want!  

~Corinthians 16:13  Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.

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God’s Work!  10/15/2017

The summer of 2017 has been nothing short of amazing.  The early part brought me encouragement to *keep on keeping on* as I embarked on what I presumed to be ‘my farewell tour’ by visiting family in Vancouver… gallivanting with more family and friends in the Midwest, until finally, meeting my very first grandbaby in July.  Coming face to face with this sweet little angel was a pivotal turning point for me. She literally took me from a dismal looking outlook to an ever-so hopeful prophesy.  It’s time to beat this once and for all, because she’s counting on me…and it could not have come soon enough!

Since it doesn’t appear that I’m going anywhere soon, I’ve accepted the fact that my work for God has not yet been completed either.  What can I leave behind for this current generation and for future generations to literally help change the face of how cancer is treated?  The revelation and the revolution will be that Protocel truly is an effective, non-toxic, gentle approach to a new diagnosis, and I’m not just talking about breast cancer either.  Protocel has had excellent results with  Breast, prostate, lymph, lung, even glioblastomas to name a few.  #readthisjohnmccain #rhodadid  #comeonelaine

I can’t explain it but I just feel deeply, the ‘marching orders’ (as James Sheridan referenced in his own ministry) to share the victory of my (His) success.  God has determined my path to share this good news and I’m saying: “Here I am Lord”.  I returned to the steady-never-fall-of-the-wagon-again routine of taking Protocel faithfully around the clock…I visited with an Oncologist in August, had another scan and am now officially back in the conventional medical record books as a stage IV cancer patient.  This is where I need to be in order to move forward with my calling because how else will this miracle ever be taken seriously if I don’t have the conventional documentation and diagnostics to back my claims?  I do and I do! 

Another important activity I needed to complete (and this was for my own psychological wellbeing) was to finally say goodbye to the past and embrace the future.  So that same week in August when my sister held my hand into that oncology appointment…so she held it again a couple of days later when I met with a realtor who listed and sold my house in less than 20 days! I also took a leap of faith (prior to selling the house) to secure a condo more in-land to the valley and was able to move there a little bit every day for a month, so that by closing day, I was completely settled. J I am so blessed!  I just keep Praising God because you know It was all Him… I had so much energy and drive that I couldn’t have waved a wand to have it turn out any better.  Faith brought me to a community where I can yoga 3x a week, socialize at a resort pool and spa and still be closer to everything and everyone.  I’ve been more active with church and I’m hoping it’s preparing me for the bigger picture…whatever that may be.  My testimony perhaps would be a good jumping off point, but for now, I’ll await further instructions.

I’m doing very well on Prayer and Protocel these past 8 weeks and I have every reason to believe that the cancer is dwindling towards NED (No evidence of Disease) yet again. I’m enjoying sunshine, golfing, pool time, social time…it’s just all been so wonderful.  I also no longer get tumor alerts that it’s time to take Protocel (YaY) but rather, songs of worship continue to play in my head at the exact scheduled time throughout the day (and night!)  This is so exciting to me…and sometimes, for a lack of a better word: comical.  You see, I’ll be humming along and singing that song for a good couple of minutes before I stop and realize that I’m being given a message.  "Oh Right!  It’s Protocel time! Thank you Jesus!  My Goodness…I’m so sorry for whiffing there!"  But despite all my bumbling, I will admit…It’s much more real this way.  Knowing full well that God is on my side… so I’ll do my best to listen to not only what He is saying but when He is saying it too. J

*Please Google: Elonna McKibben; Glioblastoma survivor of >26 years using Protocel.   She also has a website dedicated to this as well. 

~Here I am Lord.  Is it I, Lord?  I have heard You calling in the night….I will go, Lord, if You Lead me…I will hold your people in my heart.  (Hymn written by Dan Schutte in 1981 and is based on Isaiah 6:8 and 1 Samuel 3)

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The Butterfly Theory 10-22-2017

Is it true?  That the smallest flap of butterfly’s wings can cause a tornado on the other side of the world? 

Mine started this past Friday with my Naturopath/Acupuncturist telling me there is no dragon to circle. J Neither of them (a husband/wife team) could palpate or find the marble at all.  When they did press on my mid back, I sensed no pain or numbness…zero signs of cancer remaining. The marble has all but disappeared!!!  

The discovery will continue tomorrow when I’m to see my Oncologist and it’s just so incredibly exciting!!!  I think he’ll be happy for me, but at the same time, I fear he’s going to be a little bit freaked out too.  He’ll be able to see that Prayer and Protocel have melted my cancer away with his own eyes…but he still may need proof.  And that’s okay because I want to give it to him.  He may start with a chest x-ray (too soon to scan) since he knows where to send the search party: (R chest wall 3-5 small sub centimeter nodules, T6 para spinal marble and L4, L5 grains of sand) but I don’t think he’s going to find anything in there.  The ‘little bit freaked out’ part will come into play when he realizes he’s not going to find anything either.   

I doubt he’ll even schedule more labs.  At our last appointment, he was so flustered with me for refusing to burn the marble or to take an estrogen blocker that we forgot to review my results or to even give me copies for my records.   I’m pretty sure that means I’m within normal limits…because if they were off, he would have been very quick to use that to overcome my objection to the treatment plant. A good salesman would know this. ;)  Plus, why would he want to add fuel to my alternative fire by giving me more documented proof of improved blood counts?  I can’t imagine he wants that.  

I think the only bad thing that will come out of my report are the words: “Difficult Patient” stamped across my profile picture.  Ha-Ha!  (Seriously though:  #comeonelaine )

Difficult though I may be, it is helping to get the word out. Even via an unusual route…the dentist’s chair!  In early October, I finally relented to have my teeth ‘deep’ cleaned (this goes above and beyond routine scaling and polishing).  Initially, my dentist appointments ended badly because I felt they were a little ‘overzealous’ with their high powered sales pitch and their gleaming white teeth.  And let’s not forget (at that earlier time) I felt as though we were just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic…so why on earth was I going to dump a bunch of money in my mouth when I’m supposed to die anyway? Just clean my teeth for goodness sakes and let me be on my way!   

But they were tenacious and very respectful.  Each visit they told me they knew my alternative history and encouraged me to research the effects of gum disease on the body as it relates to cancer.  If I would just remove the bacteria from under the gum line with a precision stream of water, it actually would be a bit of a holistic treatment in and of itself!  How about that?  They did the treatment in 2 stages (no drugs required) and I feel as though this was the last nudge I needed to get me to complete wellness yet again.  Now that my healthy balance of flora and fauna has been restored, I just want to give a big shout out to Dentists and Hygienists everywhere.  If you visit them twice a year (or more) they can act as your first line of health defense…Even if you do insist on directing your own care. :P

So, until next week…please check back then.  I’m hoping and praying I’ll be able to share a new NED status with you after visiting with the cancer specialist in the morning.  Oh, and you may want to hold on tight…because the tsunami this butterfly effect will be having on the cancer industry today (and tomorrow) is definitely gaining lots (and lots ) of momentum!  Whoohoo!  

~2 Corinthians  5:17  Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:  The old has gone, the new is here! 

Back to Titles…


S3 E17  10-29-2017

I’ve been binge watching Netflix this past week, so I thought I would title today’s blog as though it were an ongoing series of episodes.  It is in a way J

Since I won’t know for certain until my next round of scans, I can’t ‘officially’ say that I am 100% in radical remission…but all signs are pointing to life again without an oncologist (YaY!).  I had an appointment Monday and he gave me Clearance-Clarence J I don’t have to see him, or be scanned again for another for 4 months.  He advises me to ‘continue doing whatever it is I’m doing’ because that seems to be working.   My labs were perfect and no X-rays are required.  And then as if on cue, he did heed the following warning: “It will come back”.  <sigh>

I guess it could but I don’t see why it would…as long as I remain faithful to Prayer and Protocel I can’t imagine cancer killing me.  Rush hour on the 101 maybe…or fusing with an economy seat at 30,000 feet #CowboyJunkies but it won’t be cancer.  Just as with diabetes or congestive heart failure; I’ve got a long term chronic problem.  Big deal…we all do to some extent.  How else can you make it to double nickels or well into old age without issues?  So I guess my question is this:  Does the dark spot of cancer always have to linger in the shadows? Does it always have to be a freaking death sentence?  “Don’t let it come back” is what he should have said to me and that would have been more apropos.

As far as I’m concerned, I’m cancer free. I am relishing new acquaintances, new experiences and a lifestyle that has nothing to do with cancer.  Live like I’m not dying.  And just like all the other non-cancerous people in the world who need to take medicine during the day and night, I am no different.   When it’s Protocel time, I quietly excuse myself to go shake-n-take my pre-filled dose with no one being the wiser.  As an aside: It does help to speak to your employer about taking Protocel at work so they don’t think you’re taking a big ol’ swig of whiskey every 5 hours!  (It seriously looks like that! Lol) 

I discontinued Paw Paw because directions for use on the label include:  ‘Only those with cellular abnormalities should take this on a daily basis.’ I don’t, so I’m not.  I probably took it a total of 4 months since June and even though it most likely contributed to my current state of wellness…it’s time to stop now. I don’t want to cause myself harm since I since I no longer meet the criteria for use of this product; plus, I was never crazy about the stuff, so I’m glad to be done with it. (Win-Win!)

Also, my local Naturopath suggested I go back to the recommended dosage of Protocel 23 to every 5 hours (remember, I was powering through every 4hrs) and this has greatly improved my night sweats!  She thought perhaps the ‘voltage may be getting turned down too low, and with no cancer cells to take on the decrease, the good guys were sweating it out’  I think she was spot-on with that advice, and I’ve been normal dosing since a week ago Friday and feel wonderful! J 

So now the next challenge will be this ‘BeatingCancer ongoing series' and whether or not I should renew!  (HA!) :P  I guess if PBS wants to pick me up, okay!  Lol   Seriously though….17 episodes is a lot for a season. I could only wish for that many installments to my favorite’s shows!  Maybe I’ll do like the BBC’s ‘Call the Midwife’ and stop now but have a special Christmas edition. That might be nice!  

I don’t want to lose viewers or champions for Prayer and Protocel but sometimes there is nothing to write about once your cancer is cured.  Such a good problem to have!   I’ll listen for God’s instruction (as always) and continue to promote Beating Cancer Without Breaking a Sweat by spreading His good word…and of course popping in at regular intervals to let you all know I’m still healthy and thriving on this alternative path. (Or whenever He tells me too…whichever comes first! ;) 

Until then…xoxo

~Psalm 119:71 it is good for me that I was afflicted, that I might learn your statutes. 


Back to Titles…
Sauté 4 chicken breasts in olive oil for 10-12 minutes. Flake cooked chicken in skillet...cover and cook another minute. Add prepared rice and stir. Add steamed peas, bacon and cut up fried eggs. Mix well in skillet. Add ½ cup of chicken broth and soy sauce to taste. Mix well. Continue to heat on low for 5-10 minutes. Serve sprinkled with cashews. Enjoy!Sauté 4 chicken breasts in olive oil for 10-12 minutes. Flake cooked chicken in skillet...cover and cook another minute. Add prepared rice and stir. Add steamed peas, bacon and cut up fried eggs. Mix well in skillet. Add ½ cup of chicken broth and soy sauce to taste. Mix well. Continue to heat on low for 5-10 minutes. Serve sprinkled with cashews. Enjoy!

Quick Topic Links:


Recurrence Update 11-11-16
Chronic Cancer 11-27-16
Again with Paw Paw 12-4-16
Cycling Through it  12-11-16
The New Normal 1-25-17
The Rebound Effect 4-13-17
Your Legacy  5-22-17
Drug Holiday 7-23-17
Power Ball Winner 8-10-17
No Scanxiety 8-27-17
PetScan Results 8-30-17

Timing is Everything 9-17-17

Price of Protocel 10-1-17
Circle the Dragon  10-8-17
God’s Work!  10-15-17
The Butterfly Theory 10-22-17
S3 E17  10-29-2017


 All content © 2012 – 2020 Beating Cancer Without Breaking a Sweat