I have uploaded 5 of my PET/CT scan results. The first one (March 1, 2012) was taken
after 3 doses of chemo and shows a mixed response with
one new progression of breast cancer metastasis. The second report was taken
on June 25, 2012 and is my first scan on Protocel
3 full months on
Protocel to be exact. Comparisons are made and Alternative therapy is
mentioned. The impression is a
significant partial response. The
scan is my first NED (No Evidence of Disease) scan where alternative therapy
is not mentioned and my original diagnosis is minimized.
Sadly, after a 4 year stint of radical remission, I do
have a new recurrence. Again, I am
turning to Prayer and Protocel and this will remain my lifestyle for all the
rest of my days.
Click on either the report
or the link below to see the full size version.